Monday, June 24, 2019

Egyptian and Mesoptamian Creation Story Comparison Essay

The Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations argon similar unless differ in the way in which they were get tod. Civilizations were created eld and yrs ago with some mythological characters and beliefs. Religion, gender, culture, gods, and club are dissemble the introduction of these civilizations.In each of these civilizations, we execute from the same define, the Water. In the Egyptian entry story, the first subject that existed was the ocean. The ocean hence laid an nut that hatched, Ra, the sun. Once Ra the sun was born, because came gods and goddesses, atmosphere, the Earth, and so on. In the Mesopotamian substructure story, e actu e very(prenominal)ything began with the water. From the water, sea monsters and gods were born. The gods then began to create life. The water compete a abundant role on the unveiling of us and who we are.Both the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations believe in Polytheism. The Egyptian creation story sign ons place with many dist inguishable gods and goddesses. Ra, the sun, brought these gods forth. The gods were Shu and Geb while the goddesses were Tefnut and Nut. from each one of these gods was then the antecedent of something. In Mesopotamian order gods were brought to the picture, which then were the creators of everything. sexuality played a picture in each of these creation stories. The stories differ on the roles of Gender. In Egypt, they had attentiveness for women and were treated like to men. For example, Shu, a god, and Tefnut, a goddess together created the atmosphere. The Mesopotamians take on gender was that masculine and female were not equal. For example, Tiamat, the female creator, tries to take control. Her descendants aggregate against her, choosing one of their hail Marduk, the god of Babylon to fill them.In conclusion, the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations are very similar. This leads me to believe that all civilizations are related when it dates back to the year in whic h they were created. These creation stories only differed in one study category, which were gender roles. Overall, the family relationship between Egyptian and Mesopotamian creation stories were very similar.

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