Thursday, June 13, 2019

Internet Banking Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

meshwork Banking Security - Essay ExampleIt is evidently clear from the interchange that the three major techniques atomic number 18 used by Banks to provide security to the customers Password Encryption Firewalls/Server. For the online security, the passwords or usernames pays an important role. The password is an important element that ensures affirm customers to log in to their accounts. On the contrary, the hackers can seize a username or password while transmission and can utilize to access the customers account. A research states that an added authentication method is required because in financial services trust is now redefined. In addition, trust is identified as a significant factor that influences a customers presence in web-based commerce. Security threats be the main factors that work as a barrier to online banking. The customers are disturbed about the security and safety issues while using Internet banking options. The improved security measures can re-build the tr ust in customers that influence them to used Internet banking. II. Internet Banking Security for SMEs For discussing the SME industry in terms of Internet Banking Security, we have utilized a typical SME as an example. A. Centralized Database access for gross revenue/customer databases The sales database and customer database are connected to the switch. Every request from the users is redirected to the router, where the router checks the Access Control List (ACL). In this scenario, the accounts staff has permissions to access these servers. However, all the former(a) users on the network are restricted to access these servers. B. Email An SME has configured an email server to provide email facility to the employees. It is connected to the switch. The router analyzes all the email requests, from the inbound network, to decide whether to send it to the LAN interface or the WAN interface. The security factor is handled by the firewall and IDS C. Internet Access Internet access is sc arcely provided by the Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) server. The network administration staff can create access policies on the ISA server to allow or deny Internet access by providing MAC address and IP address of the specific user. In a domain environment, as the SME has a domain environment, usernames that are created on the domain server are sufficient. D. Company Website and Intranet The intranet is available to everyone who is associated with the network. E. VOIP To support VoIP functionality, the VoIP architecture is connected to the public switched telephone networks (PSTN).

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