Sunday, September 8, 2019

Reading Response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Response - Article Example For instance, in order to write a word that connote a plural of two in Arabic, individuals are supposed to add ‘een’ in that word. Look at this example, the word quiz in English it is going to be â€Å"quizeen† and an ‘at’ is added to ‘quiz’ to make it ‘quizat’ when there are more than two quizzes. This became a common trend and words like friendeen-friendat, teachereen-teacherat, sistreen-sistrat, and classeen-classat were commonly in use by both instructors and students. What’s more, the author is supporting Smith’s (1976, pg. 12) argument which state ‘any international language must serve both the local and the international needs by developing alongside other languages’. Subsequently, the author fails to elucidate to us the effects this assumption will have in causing more complications in the communication process between the natives and non-natives. Conversely, it is significant to note that English as one of the international languages is losing its monopoly to control the world socio-economic due to the emergence of the new translation technology. The emergence of new translation technology has risen concerned on how long English language, will continue to dominate the other local and international languages. Therefore, can we conclude that the emergence of the new translation technology will affect English as one of the predominant international languages? Additionally, Quirk et al (972 pg. 28) argued that for English language to serve the appropriate purpose of pedagogical, the instructors and academic administrators must get seriously involved in the exploration for appropriate policies that will determine the standardization. Global teaching of English language should be integrated. Besides this, individuals like Kachru (1997, pg. 10) argued that the spread of English in both inner circle, outer cycle, and expanding circle has led to development of many

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