Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Children: The Innocent Victims of Polygamy Essay -- plural marriage, do

Many people would happily accept an opportunity to have their periodical stress reduced by employing help with not completely their children but also with daily household responsibilities of cooking and cleaning. Especially in this fragile sparing state the average family alimentation in the States cannot afford the luxury of hiring a house cleaner, cook or nanny. However, there are polygamists families in America have the abilities of multiple adults bestow to the same household because of the lifestyle choice of having multiple spouses. The extra help comes at a price for charr, by having to parcel out her husband with other woman and raising her children in the difficult and uncommon lifestyle. Polygamy takes a total acceptance and understanding of it by the female parents, in order for polygamy not to have a shun psychological impact on her children. Children are the innocent victims of polygamy consequently, they grow up witnessing a tense environment filled with their mothers insecurities and rivalries with the other wives, which consecutive end up harming the child in the end. Furthermore, polygamy can be psychologically damaging to children because of the increased rates of not only welfare fraud, domestic violence, and venial marriages but also child abuse and neglect. Polygamy is defined as a marriage in which a spouse of all gender has more than unitary mate at the same time. Polygamy is considered a valid form of marriage in many countries and communities around the globe (Al-Krenawi). However, polygamy is misbranded in the United States. Those who invest polygamy in America can only be legally married to one spouse therefore, the subsequent spouses in a polygamist relationship hold a singl... ... Palestinian Case. International Journal Of Social Psychiatry 58.1 (2012) 79-95. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Kilbride, Phillipe Leroy, and zer, Ali, Fatma zlem Or han, and Hasan etin Ekerbier. Sociodemographic Variables And Depression In Turkish Women From bigamous Versus Monogamous Families. Health forethought For Women International 34.11 (2013) 1024-1034. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2013.Page, Douglas. Plural Marriage for Our Times A Reinvented Option. 2nd ed. California Praeger, 2013. Print.Polygamy. Histats. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.Polyggamy FAQs. TM, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. White, Ryan. Two Sides Of Polygamy. Utah police force Review 2009.2 (2009) 495-502. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. Children The Innocent Victims of Polygamy Essay -- plural marriage, do Many people would happily accept an opportunity to have their daily stress reduced by employing help with not only their children but also with daily household responsibilities of cooking and cleaning. Especially i n this fragile economic state the average family living in America cannot afford the luxury of hiring a house cleaner, cook or nanny. However, there are polygamists families in America have the abilities of multiple adults contributing to the same household because of the lifestyle choice of having multiple spouses. The extra help comes at a price for woman, by having to share her husband with other woman and raising her children in the difficult and uncommon lifestyle. Polygamy takes a total acceptance and understanding of it by the mothers, in order for polygamy not to have a negative psychological impact on her children. Children are the innocent victims of polygamy consequently, they grow up witnessing a tense environment filled with their mothers insecurities and rivalries with the other wives, which sequentially end up harming the child in the end. Furthermore, polygamy can be psychologically damaging to children because of the increased rates of not only welfare fraud, domest ic violence, and underage marriages but also child abuse and neglect. Polygamy is defined as a marriage in which a spouse of either gender has more than one mate at the same time. Polygamy is considered a valid form of marriage in many countries and communities around the globe (Al-Krenawi). However, polygamy is illegal in the United States. Those who practice polygamy in America can only be legally married to one spouse therefore, the subsequent spouses in a polygamist relationship hold a singl... ... Palestinian Case. International Journal Of Social Psychiatry 58.1 (2012) 79-95. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Kilbride, Phillipe Leroy, and zer, Ali, Fatma zlem Orhan, and Hasan etin Ekerbier. Sociodemographic Variables And Depression In Turkish Women From Polygamous Versus Monogamous Families. Health Care For Women International 34.11 (2013) 1024-1034. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2013.Page , Douglas. Plural Marriage for Our Times A Reinvented Option. 2nd ed. California Praeger, 2013. Print.Polygamy. Histats. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.Polyggamy FAQs. TM, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. White, Ryan. Two Sides Of Polygamy. Utah Law Review 2009.2 (2009) 495-502. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.

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