Saturday, May 18, 2019

Gainesboro Machine Tools Corporation Essay

Kendle transnational Inc.We looked at the agonistic landscape and, based on what was happening, k immature we were either going to snitch Kendle, yearulate or disappear.It was whitethorn 1997, and Candace Kendle, the chairman and chief executive ships transfericer of Kendle International Inc. (Kendle), and her husband Chris carrouselher C. Bergen, the president and chief operating officer, were reviewing the strategic options for their Cincinnati, Ohio based association. Kendle, a argument they had founded over 15 days previously, masterminded clinical streaks for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to discharge the arctic and efficacy of their fresh do drugss. The company had grown success unspoiledy to $13 gazillion of sales and had attr solveed authoritative business from major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Kendle was competing, however, with several as well larger contract enquiry organizations ( ambit), many of which had an byside(a) presence that allowed them to do clinical studies outside the fall in States and gave them an advantage when competing for major externalises.To compete more rough-and-readyly, Candace and Chris had embarked on a plan to grow through learning, particularly internationally, and to finance this growth through a customary offering of equity. Toward this end, by the spring of 1997 Kendle had suckd up two potential European acquisitionsU-Gene, a cathode-ray oscilloscope in the Netherlands with 1996 sales of $12.5 zillion, and gmi, a Germanbased range with $7 billion in sales. To finance these acquisitions, Kendle had worked out practicable debt financing with Nations shore and was functional with two investment blasphemes on an Initial Public Offering ( initial public offering) that would repay the bank debt if successful and provide the equity base for coming(prenominal) acquisitions. It was now clipping to decide whether to go in the lead with the full political po litical program of two acquisitions, a large debt financing and an equity issue.Kendle HistoryCandace and Chris met in 1979 musical composition working at The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. Candace had received her doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Cincinnati, then taught in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Her scientific specialty was virology. At the Childrens Hospital, Candace was serving as the music director of pharmacy, working as an investigator on a study of an antiviral drug for the pharmaceutical company Burroughs Wellcome. Chris, a Wharton MBA, was a senior administrator at the hospital.Research Associate Indra A. Reinbergs prepared this case under the supervision of Professors Dwight B. extend and Paul W. Marshall as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.Copyright 2000 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or put across permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545-7685, write Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to http// No part of this state-supportedation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any induce or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or causation(a)wisewithout the permission of Harvard Business School. 1Looking for more or lessthing new, Candace and Chris began to discuss the idea of going into business to itemher. bingle day in early 1981 Candace received an unexpected visit from a new physician, replacing the rough-cut health check monitor for her confinement with Burroughs Wellcome. This physician was a pioneer in thecontract clinical research business. As he set forth how his business worked, Candace became more and more intrigued. When he left that day, she immediately called Chris and said, Ive got a business idea The concept was to set up a small research consu lting faithful that would soak up on outsourced research and development (R&D) work on a contract basis from large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Based on the positive response she received from potential customers, Candace left her trading at the hospital in June 1981 and Chris left his job in December 1981.Kendle International Inc. was incorporated in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1981, with Candace taking 55% of the shares, and Chris 45%. Candace had strong ties to the Cincinnati area. Her grandfather, a coal miner, had moved there from Appalachia, and the clan had grown to about 140 members, including Candaces two sons from a previous marriage. By January 1982, Candace and Chris were working from Candaces parents home.Kendle started as a small company with a few contracts, and business grew slowly through referrals from nonrecreational colleagues. Kendle suffered the usual bumps of a start-up business, particularly in the late 1980s when it suffered a loss for two years and ran up $1 million in bank debt on a $250,000 line of credit. Afraid that its bank would call the loan, the company went through a bankruptcy scare. Fortunately, Kendle fall outed in attracting business from a new client, the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle & Co. (Searle). By the early mid-nineties, the company was turned virtually and it generated annual sales of about $2.5 million. Candace and Chris were get hitched with in 1991.The pharmaceutical LifecycleThe clinical research attend was influenced by government regulations that required drugs to pass through a series of steps before they could be marketed for public use. In the United States, the Food and medicine Administration (FDA) regulated pharmaceuticals. To receive FDA favourable reception, a drug had to meet safety and efficacy standards for a particular(prenominal) indication (medical diagnosis). A drug for hypertension, for example, would brace to lower blood pressure by a certain(a) statistically sign ifi rottert add together withoutproducing unacceptable side make. The entire FDA approval transition could take from 8 to 15 years and involve several thousand diligents.1After a pharmaceutical company nonice a new drug and completed pre-clinical interrogatory on animals in the laboratory, an Investigational unseasoned medicate cover was filed with the FDA. The drug then passed through collar phases of clinical testing on creation. Before beginning for each one subsequent phase, the drug company had to submit additional regulatory info to the FDA.stage I configuration I studies were primarily concerned with assessing the drugs safety. This initial phase of testing in humans was done in a small takings of healthy volunteers (20 to 100), such as students, who were usually gainful for participation. frame II once point I testing had proven the drugs safety, Phase II tested its efficacy in a small number of longanimouss (100 to 300) with the medical diagnosis. It was s pecifically intentional to determine the likely effective dose in patients.Phase IIIIn a Phase III study, the drug was tested on a larger patient population (1,000 to 3,000) at three-fold clinical sites. The purpose was to provide a more thorough understanding of the drugs effectiveness, benefits, and the hurl of possible adverse reactions. Most Phase II and Phase III studies were blinded studies in which nigh patients received the experimental drug, while control groups received a placebo or an already approved drug. Once a Phase III study was successfully completed, a pharmaceutical company requested FDA approval for marketing the drug by filing a rising Drug Application, which averaged about 100,000 pages.200-033Phase IV Post-marketing testing (of at least 300 patients per trial) was sometimes conducted for high-risk drugs to catch serious side effects (liver toxicity) and monitor them for long-term effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.The pharmaceutical companies traditiona lly designed and conducted their own clinical trials. They selected the research sites and recruited investigators to conduct the trials of the new drug. Investigators were often medical school professors at teaching hospitals, but they could also be original investigators who conducted clinical trials at dedicated centers or occasionally regular physicians who ran trials, particularly Phase IV trials, out of their private practices. These investigators then recruited patients, sometimes with the help of the pharmaceutical company, to participate in the study.After patients were recruited, there was a considerable bar of data collection by the investigators, monitoring of the process and data retrieval by the pharmaceutical company, and analysis of the data to determine whether the statistical criteria for safety and efficacy were met. Finally, there was the complicated process of compiling the data andpreparing the long news report for the FDA.The Contract Research BusinessIn th e 1970s, large pharmaceutical concerns in the United States began to look for expressive styles to outsource their clinical testing work as their R&D budgets grew. At the beginning, contract research was a small cottage patience and the work was awarded on a piecemeal basis. As Chris recalled, For years, there had been companies conducting animal testing and Phase I, but there was no one managing the entire research and development process. The acronym CRO (contract research organization) did not exist, pharmaceutical companies gave out alone small contracts, and did not confirm much confidence in for-profit research managers.The growth of the CRO fabrication was stimulated by pricing pressures on drug companies that led them to act to transfer the fixed cost of clinical research into a variable cost through outsourcing. As Chris described,The general problem that drug companies face is balancing a variable work load with a fixed work outcome. The problem is that you dont kno w when the guy in the white lab coat will come running crush the hall, beaker in hand, shouting, Eureka, Ive got it, its going to cure disease X. When he does that, you know your workload is going to spike. Your workload is impacted by the rate of discovery, the number of projects killed in vitro and, subsequent to that, how many studies get cancelled due to safety or efficacy problems in human testing. Pure CROs like Kendle derived their income solely from the outsourced portion of the R&D budget of pharmaceutical clients. In theory, any part of the clinical testing process could be outsourced. magic spell most pre-clinical discovery was conducted in-house by drug companies, the trend in the 1990s was for CROs to receive contracts to manage the entire clinical research piece, especially 3Phases II and III. The whole process was an incredible race against time, as every day for which FDA approval was delayed could cost the pharmaceutical client over $1 million in lost revenues. Ph armaceutical contracts ranged in duration from a few months to several years. For multi-year contracts involving clinical trials, a portion of the contract fee was paid at the time the trial was initiated, with the balance of the contract fee payable in installments over the trial duration, as performance-based milestones (investigator recruitment, patient enrollment, speech of databases) were completed.Contracts were bid by CROs on a fixed-price basis, and the research was a labor-intensive business. The contract bids depended on on the lookout estimation of the hourly labor rates and the number of hours each activity would take. The estimation process regard statistical algorithms, which took into account the length of the study, frequency and length of site visits, the number of sites involved, the number of patients involved, and the number of pages per report form. A premium would be added for more complicated therapeutic testing. As the chief fiscal officer Tim Mooney descri bed the business,The way that Kendle makes money is like any professional service firmWe focus on maximizing labor physical exercise, especially at the operational level. We assume a 65% to 70% utilization rate, so profit margins are higher(prenominal)(prenominal) if we have a higher utilization rate of personnel. We have the equal assumed profit margin on all levels of people, but we can charge higher rates for contracts where we have specific therapeutic expertise that is in demand. Margins can also be higher on some large projects when we can share overhead costs across more sites. The business of contract research entailed several types of business risk. With contracts running at an average of $1 million for companies of Kendles size, client dependence was a major risk. Project cancellation by the client and change orders to reduce project costs werealso increasingly frequent in the CRO industry, as healthcare cost pressures intensified. On the other hand, product liability f or medical risks was borne by the pharmaceutical company.Competition in the 1990sBy the mid-1990s, contract research had evolved into a full-service industry, recognized by twain the pharmaceutical/biotech industries and the financial community. In 1995, intercontinental spending on R&D by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies was estimated at $35 billion, with $22 billion spent on the type of drug development work that CROs could do. Of the $22 billion, only $4.6 billion was outsourced to CROs in 1995. While R&D spending by pharmaceutical companies was growing at 10% a year, CROs were growing at twice that rate.2 Specialized CROs could manage increasingly complex drug trialsin the previous decade, the number of procedures per trial and average number of patients per trial had doubledfar more efficiently than their pharmaceutical clients.3Kendle participated in this growth in clinical research. Its net revenues grew 425% from $2.5 million in 1992 to $13 million in 1996. Fro m a loss of $495,000 in 1992, its net income rose to $1.1 million by 1996. By 1996, Kendle had conducted clinical trials for 12 of the worlds 20 largest pharmaceutical companies. Kendles three largest clients were G.D. Searle, Procter & Gamble, and Amgen, which generated 48%, 19%, and 13% of Kendles 1996 revenues, respectively. (See perils 1 and 2 for Kendles income statements and balance sheets.)2 J.C. Bradford & Co., analyst report, January 15, 1998, pp. 5-6. 3 The Economist, Survey of the Pharmaceutical Industry, February 21, 1998, p. 4.200-033The contract research industry was very fragmented, with atomic number 6s of CROs world grand. In the 1990s, in response to the increased outsourcing of pharmaceutical R&D, and a demand for globose trials, consolidation among the CROs began. A few key players e incorporate and went public, creating a new industry for Wall Street to watch. Many CRO start-ups were founded by precedent drug company executives who decided to form their own operations. After a period of internal growth, some of the start-ups began growing through a financial roll-up strategy. An industry publication proclivityed 18 top players in North America, with perfect contract research revenues of $1.7 billion. The top five public companies, ranked by 1996 revenues, were Quintiles Transnational Corp. ($537.6 million), Covance Inc. ($494.8 million), Pharmaceutical Product Development Inc ($152.3 million), ClinTrials Research Inc. ($93.5 million), and Parexel International Corp. ($88 million).4 (See Exhibit 3 for recent sales and profit data on CROs.)With its talent pool of scientists at the Research Triangle and U.S. headquarters of the pharmaceutical giants Glaxo and Burroughs Wellcome (later merged as Glaxo Wellcome), the state of North Carolina quick became the center of the burgeoning CRO industry. Two of the big five companies, Quintiles and Pharmaceutical Product Development, were started there by faculty member colleagues of Candaces. Quintiles Transnational was considered to be the gold standard of the industry. Quintiles was founded in 1982 by Dennis Gillings, a British biostatistician who had worked at Hoechst and was a professor at the University of North Carolina, where Candace completed her postdoctoral work. After raising $39 million in a 1994 IPO, Quintiles went on an acquisition spree, adding other professional service businesses. For example, the firm provided sales and marketing services to aver the launch of new drug products. By the end of 1996, Quintiles was the worlds largest CRO, with 7,000 employees in 56 offices in 20 countries. A typical clinical study managed by Quintiles was conducted at 160 sites in 12 countries, involving 10,000 patients. Quintiles was more diversified than many of its CRO competitors, with about 65% of revenues derived from thecore CRO business and 35% from other services.5 Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD) was founded in 1989 by Fred Eshelman, a colleague of Cand aces from the postdoctoral program in pharmacy. Like the founder of Quintiles, Eshelman had worked in drug research for several pharmaceutical firms, including Glaxo and Beecham. PPDs revenues jumped cholecalciferol% between 1990 and 1994, based on such work as multi-year contracts for AIDS research for the National Institutes of Health. PPD conducted a successful IPO in bunt 1996, with its simple eye jumping from $18 per share to $25.50 per share on the beginning(a) day of trading. PPD bought a U.K. Phase I facility in November 1995, and in September 1996 merged with another leading CRO. Their combined net revenues exceeded $200 million.Kendle at the CrossroadsTo Candace and Chris, it was clear that certain competitive capabilities were necessary for companies of Kendles size to compete successfully with the major CROstherapeutic expertise (in specific medical areas)broad range of services (pharmaceutical companies wanted to work with fewer CROs, with each offering a wide range of services across multiple phases of the R&D process) merged clinical data instruction (the ability to efficiently collect, edit and analyze data from thousands of patients with various clinical conditions from many geographically dot sites)4 Annual Report Leading CROs, R&D Directions, September 1997, pp. 28+. 5 William Blair & Co. LLC analyst report, Quintiles Transnational Corp., June 20, 1997, p., multi-jurisdictional presence (to speed up drug approval, tests were being launched in several countries at once)With the exclusion of international presence, Candace and Chris felt comfortable with their ability to meet these criteria. Kendles staff had scientific expertise in multiple therapeutic areas, including cardiovascular, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, immunology, oncology, respiratory, skeletal disease and inflammation. The company also had broad capabilities, including forethought of studies in Phases II through Phase IV. It did not consider t he absence of Phase I capabilities to be an issue, since this activity was quite separate. (See Exhibit 4 for a comparison of CRO geographical locations.)To build an integrated clinical data anxiety capability, Chris had directed the development of TrialWare, a proprietary software system that allowed global data collection and processing and the integration of clinical data with clients in-house data management systems. TrialWare consisted of several modules including a database management system that greatly reduced study start-up costs and time by standardizing database design and utilizing scanned attribute technology to facilitate the design of data entry screens, the point-and-click application of edits from a pre-programmed library, and workflow management (parallel processing). different modules included a system that coded medical history, medication and adverse event data and a touch-tone call in system that was used for patientrandomization, just-in-time drug supply a nd collection of real-time enrollment data.Against the backdrop of a changing industry, Candace and Chris felt the need to develop additional business skills and focus Kendles strategy. To clarify their management roles, Candace and Chris switched their existing responsibilities. Chris pointed out, Candace became CEO as we agnise that her focus was long-range and I took over as captain Operating Officer to focus on the short-range. In addition, the marketing strength of our competitors was propelling them but and further fore of Kendle. Candace brought her science background and entrepreneurial skills, while I brought my management. The problem was that we were relatively weak in sales and marketing. To broaden their skills, Candace went off in 1991 to the Owner/President Management Program (OPM), an executive commandment program run by Harvard Business School for three weeks a year over three years. Chris followed her to OPM in 1994.After completing the OPM program, Candace as sessed the situation, We have to be big enough relative to our competitors to take on large, international projects. When Searle was looking for CROs for international work, all we could do was possibly subcontract it out to small shops. In contrast, Quintiles had six overseas offices of its own. Furthermore, when Searle calls and says, I just got off the phone, Quintiles will cut their price by a million dollars, if youre too small, youre not going to be able to respond to that.Candace and Chris realized that Kendle could not grow fast enough internally to keep up with its peers and did not have the property for acquisitions. They entertained the thought of selling Kendle, and were approached several times about a sale. But by nature, they were a competitive, athletic couple. Chris got up to play squash every morning at 7 AM, and Candace was an avid rower, latterly winning a gold medal in a Cincinnati regatta. Perhaps not surprisingly, Candace and Chris decided to grow the firm a nd take it public rather than sell. As Candace described their motivation, We were not driven to be a public company as such, but primarily to be bigger, and for this, weneeded public financing to succeed in the new competitive landscape. The whole target was not to let the big guys get too far out ahead of us.Preparations for GrowthBy 1994, Kendle had grown to $4.4 million in revenues. Candace, the driving force throughout the IPO process, sought advice from an old college friend, a well-known Cincinnati businessman. He advised her, before you go public, practice being a public company. Candace therefore formulated a plan for Kendle to go public in 1999. Kendle began hiring key managers to build up functional units. Between 1994 and February 1997, new directors of clinical data management, information technology, biostatistics, finance, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory affairs, and human resources were hired. As Chris described, the plan was to put this infrastructure in place to look and act like a public company communications, IT, finance. The idea was hire at the top and theyll fill in their organization. Many of these new managers had previously worked together at other companies. To prepare for Wall Street scrutiny, Kendle began publicise internal quarterly financial statements and sharing them with employees in an open-book management style. Candace and Chris tried to make the growing number of employees feel like part of the family in other ways, too. The Kendle photo gallery displayed professional portraits of employees with their favorite hobbies. In 1995 Chris led the development of a corporate mission statement and a document on strategic plans that was shared with all employees.Kendle was organized in a matrix fashion (see Exhibit 5 for organizational chart). Each department was treated as a strategic business unit (SBU) witha director who established standards and carried profit responsibility. At the equal time, each research contract wa s managed by a project manager who assembled a team from across the various SBUs.clinical trials involved five functional SBUs at Kendle1. Regulatory Affairs recruited investigators, helped them with FDA registration forms, and obtained approval from ethics boards. Regulatory Affairs maintained a database of 5,000 investigators.2. Clinical Monitoring sent clinical research associates (CRA) out to the testing sites (every 4 to 6 weeks) to enforce erect Clinical Practice regulations. The CRAs were typically young, single health care professionals who spent a significant amount of their time on the road. The CRA would collect data from investigators, resolve queries generated by Clinical Data Management, and promote patient enrollment.3. Clinical Data Management produced a be quieted database that could be submitted to the FDA. Data from case report forms were input into a computer system and cleaned through a manual review of the forms and an automated check of the databases. The ch allenge was to lock a database quickly while maintaining data quality.4. Biostatistics would unblind the locked database and analyze it to determine if the data confirmed that the test results met the criteria for safety and efficacy. Biostatistics also defined the scope of new studies.5. Medical Writing generated the truckload of paper submitted to the FDA for a New Drug Application, including a statistical analysis, a clinical assessment, preclinical and clinical data, a description of the manufacturing process, and the supporting patient documentation.1996 The Celebrex Study, Filing Preparations, and European acquisitions 1996 was a busy year for Candace, Chris, and Kendles new management team. They simultaneously began conducting a major drug study, working with get acrossrs on IPO preparations, and looking for overseas acquisition targets. In 1996 Kendle managed 62 clinical studies at 4,100 sites involving approximately 20,000 patients. Celebrex StudyIn January 1996, Kendle be gan working on a major drug called Celebrex (celecoxib). Its client Searle was engaged in a neck-and-neck race with Merck, the largest U.S. drug company, to be the first to market a COX-2 inhibitor. A COX-2 inhibitor was a new type of anti-inflammatory drug that promised low incidence of bleeding ulcers in long-term, high-dosage users such as arthritis patients. The Searle-Merck race was keep mumly followed in the business press. Searle awarded the international portion of the Celebrex contract to another CRO, since Kendle only had facilities for testing in the United States. However, Kendle did win the contract to conduct all the U.S. Phase II and III trials. The Celebrex contract was a huge feather in our cap, recalled the chief financial officer. In order to beat Merck, we worked very ruffianly and kept compressing the timelines.To head the Celebrex project, Kendle hired Bill Sietsema, PhD, as assistant director of clinical research. A therapeutic expert in skeletal diseases a nd inflammation, Sietsema had worked at Proctor & Gamble for 12 years. While Sietsema served as overall program director, Chris acted as the operational project manager, meeting with his Searle counterpart in loot on a monthly basis. In early 1997, Kendle also set up a new regional office in Chicago, close to Searle headquarters. For Kendle, the Celebrex project was a chance to show what we could do and to develop a reputation as a leader in the field of skeletal disease and inflammation. Kendle actively helped investigators recruit arthritis patients, running television advertisements, directing evoke volunteers to a call center. Three hundredinvestigators enrolled over 10,000 patients, producing over one million pages of case report forms.Most importantly, through close integration of information systems with Searle, Kendle was able to beat an industry standard. Instead of taking the typical six months to one year, the time span between the last patient in Phase II and the first in Phase III, which began in June 1996, was only 22 days.Preparation for SEC FilingBy the time the Celebrex program rolled around, Candace and Chris felt that they dexterity have to go public earlier than intended because of the competitive landscape. The new chief financial officer, Tim Mooney, took a leading role in the preparations. Prior to joining Kendle in may 1996, Mooney had worked as CFO at The Future Now, Inc., a computer reseller and Hook-SupeRx, a retail drugstore chain. At Kendle, Mooney replaced the controller with an audit manager from Coopers & Lybrand to beef up his staff. Mooney also led the building of many of the other financially related departments at Kendle.To act as the lead underwriters on the IPO, in August 1996 Mooney chose two regional investment banks, Chicago-based William Blair & Company, L.L.C., which had handled the 1995 IPO of Kendles competitor Parexel, and Wessels, Arnold & Henderson from Minneapolis. William Blair began putting Kendle through the paces of preparing to file a preliminary prospectus with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The process of going public generally took from 60 to 180 days. 1 of the key steps in the process was the conversion of Kendle from a subchapter potentiometer to a C corporation at the time of the IPO. (Subchapter S corporations were entities with 35 or fewer share compriseers that were treated like coalitions for tax purposes. integrated income tax was passed through tax-free to the owners who then paid personal income taxes due.)U-GeneIn October 1996 Mooney hired Tony Forcellini, a former colleague, as director of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Tony had worked at Arthur Andersen in the tax department, and then as a treasurer at Hook-SupeRx with Mooney. The search for European acquisition targets was mainly conducted by Candace and Tony Forcellini, with back-up support by Tim Mooney and Chris. All the while, Chris and Bill Sietsema were working away on the Celebrex program. Forcellinis first decision was easywhether to stick with an offering register that landed on his desk shortly after he arrived. The company for sale was U-Gene Research B.V. (U-Gene), a CRO based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. U-Gene was represented by Technomark Consulting Services Ltd. (Technomark), a London-based consulting firm uniquely specializing in the healthcare industry. Technomark had an extensive database on European CROs and was primarily in the business of matching its pharmaceutical company clients trials with curb European CROs, but it also had a small investment banking division.U-Gene, a full-service CRO, was an attractive target for Kendle. The embark capitalist owners were actively looking for buyers. With a 38-bed Phase I facility in Utrecht and regional offices in the United solid ground and Italy, U-Gene could increase some(prenominal) Kendles service offering and geographic presence. Since its founding in 1986, U-Gene had served more than 100 cli ents, including 19 of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies. In 1996, U-Gene participated in 115 studies at approximately 500 sites involving approximately 4,700 patients and recorded net revenues of $12.5 million, a 37% increase over the preliminary year, and operating profit of $1.3 million, a 47% increase over the prior year. Because of its U.K. and Italian offices, U-Gene viewed itself as on the way to becoming a pan-European CRO.(See Exhibit 6 for U-Gene financial statements.) With momentum building, in November 1996, Forcellini seized upon U-Gene as Kendles possible entry into Europe and submitted a bid, offering cash and private stock. Unfortunately, Kendle lost out on this bid to a competitor, collaborative Clinical Research, Inc, as U-Genes owners either wanted a full cash deal or stock from a public company. Collaborative was a competitor about larger than Kendle ($25.7 million in revenues) that had gone public in June 1996 and had established a software partnershi p with IBM. Although it had access to investigators outside the United States, Collaborative also viewed U-Gene as the establishment of a European presence. On February 12, 1997 Collaborative announced that it had signed a letter of intent to advance U-Gene in exchange for 1.75 million newly issued shares.While this put Kendle out of the picture, the prospects of a deal were not completely killed. On the same day, February 12, 1997, Collaborative also announced that its first-quarter 1997 loot would be significantly below expectations. On the bordering day, on analyst speculation that a major client contract had been lost, their stock fell by 27.3%, goal at $9.00.6 This put Collaboratives UGene deal in jeopardy.Underwriter ConcernsAbout two weeks after Collaboratives announcement, on February 25, 1997, another CRO, ClinTrials, also suffered a drop in stock price. ClinTrials stock lost more than one-half its market value,dropping 59%, to $9.50 per share. The fall began when an an alyst from Wessels Arnold downgraded the ClinTrials stock to hold from buy, citing a number of key management departures, and continued after ClinTrials announced that its first-quarter earnings would be half its year-earlier profit. The reason for the unexpected earnings decline was the cancellation of five projects totaling $37 million, with the possibility of even lower earnings due to an unresolved project dispute with a client.7 ClinTrials negative performance began to affect other CRO stocks, including that of Quintiles.8With client concentration an issue in ClinTrials stock performance, William Blair developed doubts about the timing of Kendles IPO. Although Kendle was close to filing its preliminary prospectus, on the day after ClinTrials stock dropped, William Blair analysts had a meeting with Kendles management and told them that they had decided to withdraw as lead underwriters in the IPO.Candace was resolved to keep going. She said, Theres no way out of the concentration issue. We cant buy our way out of it, because we cant do M&A deals until we have a public currency, and every day Searle is deliverance us more work, we wont tell them no. She then asked Mooney to find new investment bankers, and he thought, what am I going to do now? Hoping for a lead, Mooney called up a former security analyst from Wessels Arnold who had gone to work at Lehman Bros. Although Kendle was smaller than Lehmans usual clients, Lehman agreed to underwrite Kendles IPO, with the reassurance that we think we can sell through the client concentration issue. After an agreement with New York-based Lehman was reached, Mooney searched for a regional firm because, as he decided, I didnt want two New York-size egos. J.C. Bradford, based in Nashville, Tennessee, had a good reputation in the industry, and struck us as a nice regional bank. They were more retail-oriented than institutional-oriented, so they wouldnt directly be competing with Lehman in types of clientele. Bradford h ad managed the IPO of the first large CRO to go public (ClinTrials, in 1993) and Lehman had led the IPO of PPD in January 1996.Gmi and U-Gene revisitedAt the same time, Forcellini was moving ahead on the acquisition search. In January 1997 he tasked Technomark with using its CRO database to generate a list of possible European acquisition targets that met the following criteria ideally a CRO with United Kingdom headquarters $5 million to $7 million in revenues no Searle business certain types of therapeutic expertise strong in phases II through IV and certain country locations. The initial list had 50 European CROs, which Kendle narrowed down to 14 prospects. Technomark then contacted these 14 prospects to sound out their willingness to sell, bring the number down to five candidates three CROs in Germany, two in the United Kingdom, and one in the Netherlands (not U-Gene). To assess the prospects, Kendle used information from Technomark on comparable M&A deals.Candace and Tony Force llini then traveled around Europe for a week visiting the five companies. They decided to further pursue two companies a small, 15-person monitoring organization in the United Kingdom and one in Germany. The U.K. prospect was quickly cast out because of an aggressive asking price and accounting problems. Kendle then moved on to the German target, a company named gmi. Its full name was GMI Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik mbH. Founded in 1983, gmi provided a full range of Phase II to IV services. gmi had conducted trials in Austria, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and France, among other countries, and had experience in health economic studies and7 ClinTrials Predicts Sharply sink Profit Shares Plunge 59%, The Wall Street Journal, February 26, 1997, p. B3. 8 David Ranii, Investors avoiding Quintiles, The News & Observer, Raleigh, NC, February 27, 1997, p. C8.professional training programs. In 1996, gmi participated in 119 studies at multiple sites and recorded net revenues of $7 million, a 32% increase over the prior year, and operating profit of $1.4 million, a 16% increase over the prior year. At March 31, 1997, gmis backlog was approximately $9.6 million. gmi considered itself to be especially good at Phase III trials. (See Exhibit 7 for gmi financial statements.)While Candace and Forcellini were narrowing down European targets, Mooney was hunting for cash. In February 1997 Kendle met at a special lunch with its existing bankers, Star Bank (later renamed Firstar), in Cincinnati. Mooney recalled the conversation vividly After Candace and Chris described their plans, Star Banks CEO made a proposal, If you keep Kendle a private company and avoid the hassles of being public, well conduce you the money you need for acquisitions. With the financing in hand, Candace and Forcellini visited gmi in Munich. While gmis owners were willing to talk, they did not have much interest in selling. As Mooney described it, gmi was a authoritative case of having grown to a certain size, had a comfortable level of income, but werent interested in putting in the professional systems to grow beyond that level. After several conversations in March, it was not clear that Kendle and gmis owners would be able to reach a mutually agreeable price.At this point in early April 1997, the possibility of U-Gene as an acquisition candidate heated up. After the U-Gene deal with Collaborative Research began to collapse, Kendle had initiated a carefully structured inquiry about U-Genes interest in re-create discussions. This inquiry led to further discussions and a request in April for Kendle to meet in Frankfurt to try to reach an agreement. With the gmi deal in doubt, Kendle agreed to try to reach closure with U-Gene. After some discussion, both sides agreed on a price of 30 million Dutch guilders, or about US$15.6 million, $14 million of which would be paid in cash, and the remaining $1.6 million would be in the form of a promissory note payable to the selling shareholders.U-Gene wanted to complete the transaction within the next several weeks, so it would have to be financed at least initially by scoopings. Even if Kendle went ahead with an IPO, the equity financing would not be completed until the end of the summer.Discussions with gmi continued through this period since Kendle was sure-footed about its ability to obtain financing from Star Bank. Ultimately, Kendles team was able to agree upon a price with gmi. The owners were willing to accept a price of 19.5 million Deutsche marks, or about US$12.3 million, with at least $9.5 million in cash. They would accept shares for the remaining $2.8 million, if Kendle successfully completed an IPO. The owners were willing to hold off the deal until the IPO issue was resolved.Closing the Deals and IPO DecisionTo complete both the U-Gene and gmi deals, Kendle would need to borrow about $25 million to $28 million, so financing became critical. Mooney went back to Star Bank to take the bankers up on their promise. He described their reaction Star Bank said they couldnt lend $28 million to a company that only has $1 million in equity. Nobody did that. They might be willing to finance one acquisition, with the help of other banks, but there was no way that they would provide $28 million. Mooney was quite angry, but had no choice but to look for other sources of financing. He first tried to get bridge financing from Lehman and Bradford, but they refused, saying that they had gotten killed on such deals in the 1980s. There was also a possibility of financing from First Chicago Bank, but this did not materialize.Finally, in late April 1997, Mooney contacted NationsBank, N.A., which was headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and provided banking services to the CRO industry. Nationsbank expressed interest, but only in a large deal. Even $28 million was a small amount to Nationsbank. In 11a few short weeks, Nationsbank ended up structuring a $30 million credit fo r Kendle, consisting of a $20 million, three-year revolving credit line and $10 million in five-year, subordinated notes. The interest rate on the credit line was tied to a money market base rate plus 0.50% (currently totaling 6.2%), and the subordinated debt carried a 12% rate. So NationsBank stepped up in a pretty big way. They could have ended up with Kendle as a private company, with $30 million in debt. Because of the risk, Nationsbank would also take warrants giving the bank the right to leveraging 4% of Kendles equity, or up to 10% if the IPO was delayed and Kendle had to borrow the full amount to do both acquisitions.Lehman Brothers was confident about an IPO. The underwriters felt Kendle could raise $39 million to $40 million at a price between $12 and $14 per share, and that Candace and Chris could sell some of their shares as well. autopsy Research Worldwide Ltd., a CRO with $15.2 million in 1996 revenues, had raised $46.75 million from its recent IPO in February 1997. Kendle felt they had a much better track record than Premier.Kendle now faced some difficult decisions. It could do the full program, including both acquisitions, taking the $30 million Nationsbank deal, and planning for an IPO in late summer. The successful acquisitions of gmi and U-Gene would establish Kendle as the sixth largest CRO in Europe, based on total revenues, and one of only four large CROs able to offer clients the full range of Phase I through Phase IV clinical trials in Europe. The pricing on the two acquisitions of 8 to 10 times EBITDA seemed in line with recent CRO deals (see Exhibit 8). And, once the IPO was completed, Kendle would have both a cash cushion and stock as a currency to help finance future growth and acquisitions. Assuming an IPO of 3 million new shares at a price of $13.00, Kendle would have a cash position of about $14 million and no debt in the capital structure. (See Exhibits 9 and 10 for pro formaincome statements and balance sheets showing the im pact of the acquisitions and the IPO.) A related issue was how many of their shares Candace and Chris should sell if an IPO were done. Their current thinking was to sell 600,000 shares. Thus, a total of 3.6 million shares would be for sale at the time of the IPO, including a primary offering of 3 million shares and a secondary offering of 600,000 shares. This sale would reduce holdings controlled by Candace and Chris from 3.65 million shares (83.1% of the shares currently outstanding) to 3.05 million shares (43.4% of the new total outstanding).Doing the full IPO and acquisition program, however, was unprecedented among Kendles peers. Nobody does this combination all at oncean IPO, senior- and sub-debt financing, and M&A deals, as Mooney described the situation. Furthermore, the stock prices of public CROs had been falling since last February (see Exhibits 11 and 12 for stock market paygrade and price information). If Kendle bought into the full program and the market crashed or the IPO was unsuccessful, the company would have almost $30 million of debt on its books with a very modest equity base. Perhaps it would be better to do just the U-Gene acquisition and use Star Bank to finance it. After completing this acquisition, it could then pursue the IPO. This approach was safer, but of course Kendle might miss the IPO window and miss the opportunity to acquire the second company. Indeed, instead of discouraging Kendle from doing an IPO, the fall in CRO stock prices might be taken as a signal that Kendle should forge ahead before the window closed completely.

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