Monday, May 13, 2019

The Threat of Urban Cities of Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Threat of Urban Cities of Policing - examine ExampleThe cities become bigger around the Anthropocene, as the world population engages in the biggest ever urban migration. The geological timescale, however, illustrate that the cities are most probably temporary, just like any other benevolent constructs. Majority of the cities will not withstand the disastrous humanity effect, which is combined with the natural upheavals (Michael 401).Historically, the urban environments were veritable within fertile river valleys, and strategically at the river mouths. The rich agricultural sediments, nutrients and moisture available in coastal deltas greatly enhanced the food production. The favorable maritime environment and excessively effective river connections supported the change and transportation activities. Thus, people found this environment very ideal to reside in. Further increase in the population led to the tapping and the diversion of the rivers for the purposes of irrigation , canal transportation and also industry applications. The rivers were also trapped for customs duty as reservoirs and dam, with the aim of energy generation and also water storage. But the diversion of the rivers leads to negative environmental consequences such as droughts. The sediments are not moving downstream in appropriate quantities because of river diversion and also tapping. The sediments are also inadequate to maintain the deltas that are required for erosion control at the oceanic shores (Albert 78).Rapid industrialization during the last century enhanced these processes. This is the reason why presently, several urban centers recognise threats of the storm surges, and thus a lot of the economically significant areas on the planet are in all probability to be lost. Major world cities like New York and Bangkok have been adversely affected by the flood conditions. The other cities that are at risk from flood disasters are Mumbai, Shanghai, Miami, New Orleans, Calcutta and Alexandria. Approximately trinity billion individuals

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