Thursday, May 9, 2019

Stats26 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stats26 - Essay ExampleThe results of a twain- ingredient analysis of variance become df = 1, 28 for the F-ratio for factor A, df = 2, 28 for the F-ratio for factor B, and df = 2, 28 for the A B interaction. Based on this information, what is the issue forth number of different treatment chassiss that were compared in the study?In a bank line graph demo the results from a two-factor experiment, the levels of factor B are presented on the X-axis and the line for A1 is consistently 5 points higher than the line for A2. What result is indicated by this pattern?A two-factor study with two levels of factor A and three levels of factor B uses a straighten out group of n = 5 participants in apiece treatment condition. How many another(prenominal) participants are needed for the entire study?If the mean and variance are computed for each sample in an independent-measures two-factor experiment, then which of the side by side(p) types of sample data volition tend to produce large F- ratios for the two-factor ANOVA?The following data represent the means for each treatment condition in a two-factor experiment. Note that wiz mean is not given. What value of the missing mean will result in no of import effect for factor A?The following data represent the means for each treatment condition in a two-factor experiment. Note that one mean is not given. What value of the missing mean will result in no main effect for factor B?1. The results from a two-factor experiment crumb be presented in a matrix with the levels of factor A forming the rows and the levels of factor B forming the columns, with a separate sample in each of the matrix cells. Using this matrix structure, describe the null hypothesis for each of the three F-ratios computed in the two-factor analysis.(3) A X B-interaction The null hypothesis is that there is no interaction between factors A and B. All the mean differences between treatment conditions are explained by the main effects of the two factors. 3. The following table summarizes the results of a

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